Save Bayview Homes

Mr. Andrew King, a dedicated and longstanding member of the San Francisco Bayview community, is currently at risk of losing his property. What makes this situation even more urgent is Mr. King’s visionary plan to convert his property into an adult care facility catering to men between the ages of 18 and 59. This facility would serve as a crucial resource for our community, addressing a pressing need for supportive housing.


In San Francisco, where the housing crisis looms large, our community faces a crucial turning point. We believe that by rallying together, we can overcome the challenges before us. Today, I bring to your attention a pressing matter that requires our collective support.


Now more than ever, we need to exemplify the strength of our community bonds. It starts with us, the community – the backbone of San Francisco. By supporting Mr. King, we not only help a fellow San Franciscan maintain his property but also contribute to the realization of a vital resource for the entire community. His property 1535 Van Dyke is one of the oldest properties in the community. 


May 24 2024


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


1535 Vandyke
San Francisco Ca
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